10 Essential Content Marketing Questions and Answers

by Steve Seager

Essential content marketing questions and answersIs content marketing finally coming of age? Despite the backlash, I’d argue it is. From what I’ve seen to date, our backlashers (ahem) are asking the wrong questions – and definitely not focused on making their content great.

If you’re serious about your content marketing you need to be able to answer the essential questions management (should!) ask.

I put together a list of 10 of the best I’ve encountered in client meets, and wrapped them up in a tidy .pdf for you. As ever, it’s free. No email required. And I welcome your comments.

DOWNLOAD THE FREE PDF: 10 Essential Content Marketing Questions and Answers

Here’s just one of the Q&As I cover in the .pdf:

What is the role of content in lead generation?

Not all types of content directly generates leads. But every type of content plays an important role throughout the funnel. The split in types of content I’m about to propose might seem a bit odd, but remember, the old funnel is dead. And people actually buy at all stages of the funnel. Here’s that split:

1. ‘Promotional’ content

Promotional content is traditionally used to build awareness. However, display ad click through rates are pretty abysmal these days. Many argue that that goes for pretty much all forms of digital advertising. So lead generation? Not so much. You probably know from your own ROI, right?

2. ‘Trust’-based content

‘Trust’ based content is content marketing collateral. It is designed to actively drive people through their decision-making or purchase cycle. It shows people you understand their business. It builds credibility and reputation by adding real value. Typically, this is the stuff you publish in your blog. Nielsen stats show that content marketing drives three times the sales of digital advertising. So lead generation sure happens here.

3. ‘Features and Benefits’

‘Features and benefits’ collateral is the stuff that most marketers know best. It’s designed specifically for sales oriented call-to-actions.

This type of content articulates your value proposition in terms of: Price, Product Quality, Service/Support and Delivery.

This is the stuff that typically sits in your main website. Lead generation also happens here.

But in my experience conversion on this content is dropping year-on-year – hence, the need for ‘through-the-funnel’ content marketing.

To sum up

a. ‘Promotional’ content grabs eyeballs and pulls them into your content loop.

b. ‘Trust’-based content fills the funnel over time, drives people through their decision-making/purchase cycle and also generates more sales than ‘Promotional’ content.

c. ‘Features and Benefits’ content? Well, it does what it does.

But it’s no longer enough alone, that’s for sure!

And there’s more:

“What’s the difference between content marketing content and traditional content?

What is the shelf-life of Great Content?

How should I decide on formats?

How do I make my content unique?

What are the costs of content marketing?

Is there any proof that content marketing works?

What content marketing themes can I become best known for?

What sort of sources are best for great content?

How do I measure the results of content marketing?”


– Steve

[UPDATED 10th March]

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